Jarrid Whitney

Great essay advice from the deans at Vanderbilt, Chicago, University of Illinois and more

OWL, the Purdue Online Writing Lab, is featuring excellent advice on the college essay from some of our good friends. Check out the post here -- for commentary on the essay and how colleges view this step in the application from Vanderbilt's Doug Christiansen, Caltech's Jarrid Whitney, and University of Chicago's Jim Nondorf, as well as undergraduate admission deans from University of Arizona, Rutgers, and University of Illinois.

College Admission Hits the Road

College Admission is hitting the road...

Robin Mamlet will be speaking this week at the College Board Annual Forum in Miami, Florida, with the College Board's Shelley Arakawa, Derrick Kang of the Mid-Pacific Institute, Todd Abbott of RuffaloCODY, and Jarrid Whitney of CalTech.

Christine VanDeVelde is headed to California, where she will speak to students and parents at Menlo-Atherton High School and Mountain View-Los Altos High School.


What Role Does Diversity Play in Admission Decisions?

As we speak at high schools across the country, we are often asked by students and parents about the role that diversity plays in college admission. As it happens, we are also in the midst of renewed attention to affirmative action, including whether students from some races are actually penalized in the admission process. Jarrid Whitney, Executive Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at California Institute of Technology, joins us today to guest blog about the role diversity plays in the admission process in his experience:

Admission Committee Scenario:

College Admission on India Ink at The New York Times

Our primer on standardized testing for international students applying from India is up on the New York Times' blog India Ink. Thank you to Jacques Steinberg, education writer and author of The Gatekeepers: Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College, who helms the New York Times' blog The Choice, for inviting us to explain the role testing plays in the admission decisions of American colleges and universities. And thank you to the experts who contributed to the feature: Jarrid Whitney, executive director of admissions and financial aid at the California Institute of Technology; Katharine Harrington, vice president for admissions and planning at the University of Southern California; Jenny Rickard, chief enrollment officer at Bryn Mawr College; Jim Montoya, vice president for higher education at the College Board; and Amin Gonzalez, associate director of admissions at Yale University and his colleagues Rebekah Westphal and Jean Lee.