Seniors: Here are the Wrong Reasons for Choosing a School

Amid the excitement and disappointments of decision season, it’s important to continue to be thoughtful about where you will spend the next four years. Here are some don’ts to consider:

• Don’t choose prestige over fit.

• Don’t decide where to go based on where your boyfriend or girlfriend is enrolling.

• Don’t choose a college because your parents want to put that sticker on their car window.

• Don’t choose a college because your high school wants to include it on their school profile.

In other words, choose the school where you most want to go! It sounds so obvious, but it’s amazing how many students don’t do it.


For more information about admission decisions, including advice about waitlists and handling denials, see Chapter 17, “Notification and Making the Decision" in College Admission: From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step.


Too many students choose schools impulsively and for the wrong reasons. You need to consider what you feel is important for you in a college experience.
Then make your college decision wisely.

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