Developing a New Kind of Relationship with Your College-Bound Teen
Posted on Thu, 12/20/2012 - 09:37Educational psychologist Jane McClure joins us this month to recommend a book that will arm you with advice about getting the best possible results when communicating with your college-bound teenager. Think of it this way: We all want to continueto be part of our children's lives and the problem-solving that continues through college and beyond. Read on to find out more about how to make sure that happens and what to do when it does…
A few years ago, I read a wonderful book titled, Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money, by Helen E. Johnson and Christine Schelhas-Miller. It is filled with so much wisdom and useful advice, I find myself re-reading sections from time to time, whenever thorny issues between students and parents arise and I’m trying to figure out how to advise them. I highly recommend it to any parent whose son or daughter is about to go off to college. You will love the humorous anecdotes which will make you laugh but at the same time teach you a new style of communication that will be incredibly helpful as you form a new kind of relationship. Here are a few of the key concepts presented in the book.