
33 Fun Facts About Colleges

Our favorite YA author John Green has "33 Fun Facts about Colleges" in this YouTube video from Mental Floss. 

Did you know, for example, that Villanova students manage the Pope's social media?

Or that Cornell might have been in Syracuse, but Ezra Cornell was once robbed there?

Or that Rice University has a puppy room set up during finals to help students cope with stress. Awww... We want one of those!

See the whole thing here.

Hat tip: Anne Edmunds of Webster University via Facebook


Vanderbilt's Dean talks Financial Aid

It's Financial Aid Awareness Month. Check out Vanderbilt University's Dean of Admissions Doug Christiansen in Financial Aid: The University Insider's Guide on the college's YouTube channel. What if I'm uncomfortable talking about my finances? Should I fill out both the FAFSA and CSS Profile? Will it impact my chances of admission if we ask a lot of questions about financial aid? Christiansen answers these questions and more about student aid. And the video also provides resources and links for more information. Check it out here

Things We Love: A Video to Help You Get Over Not Getting In

Whether or not you got into your first choice school, check out this video from Allison Singh, author of Getting Over Not Getting In - A College Rejection Guide. While we haven't seen her book, we love the video. It perfectly demonstrates one of our mantras -- it's not where you go to school, it's what you do once you get there and beyond.

A Must Read Report for Scholarship Applicants

A new report from Mark Kantrowitz, founder and publisher of and,  is a must-read for scholarship applicants. Sponsored by Fastweb and the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA), the study found that about a quarter of scholarship providers are using Google and social media websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, to screen applicants. They're looking primarily for one or more red flags, such as signs that an applicant might reflect badly on the scholarship sponsor.  The report includes recommendations for scholarship applicants -- reviewing their Facebook accounts, Googling themselves and correcting problems when possible, and using appropriate email addresses. Read the full report here. It's good advice for all applicants!