One Last Checklist for Graduating Seniors

Seniors, you're almost done. There are just a few things you need to be aware of over the summer in order to insure the transition to campus goes smoothly. Here's one last checklist for you:

  • Follow up on any remaining financial aid details.
  • Make sure your Final Report is sent to the college where you will enroll.
  • Look for summer mailings from your college about housing, orientation, course selection, and other subjects. If you will be away for a significant part of the summer, be sure the college knows where to send your mail, or arrange for your mail to be forwarded. A response from you may be required.
  • Make your first payment on time.
  • Complete the summer reading assigned by the college.
  • Pack for college. Have a wonderful freshman year!

So that's it -- we're out of advice for you. But we will point you in the direction of our excellent move-in advice for college freshmen, which you will find here. Check it out. It will save you -- and your parents -- from back strain, heat stroke and at least one repeat trip to the electronics store for cable cords.  


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