Return Visits

Seniors, Start Thinking about Return Visits to the Colleges

Seniors, start thinking about return visits to the colleges on your list. You will most likely be accepted at several of those schools. Once you have an acceptance in hand, the view from the middle of campus may look and feel different. You can change a lot in the months between a first visit and an acceptance letter. So if you can afford the cost and time away from your studies, we recommend a second visit before you commit. And if you have been unable to visit the schools on your list before applying, you should make every effort to visit once you have been admitted. Let the admission office know if a school is high on your list, but you have been unable to make a trip. Some colleges are able to subsidize transportation costs for a small number of admitted student visits.

For more information about college visits and return visits, see Chapter 9, “College Visits” and Chapter 17, "Notification and Making the Decision" in College Admission: From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step.